Uses and Gratifications Theory

Uses and Gratifications Theory

Uses and gratifications theory is the idea audiences actively seek out media to satisfy individual needs.

Why do we consume media?

  • information - finding out about relevant events and conditions in immediate surroundings, society and the world.
  • personal identity - finding reinforcement for personal values.
  • integration and social interaction - gaining insight into circumstances of others social empathy
  • entertainment - escapism or being diverted from problems


The uses and gratifications of watching the news could be for information. This is because the news is there to provide information about relevant events, society and the world.

Image result for news icon

The uses and gratifications of watching sitcoms such as 'The Simpsons', could be for personal identity. This is because sitcoms include characters people can relate and compare themselves to.

Image result for the simpsons


  1. Well done Benji!
    You have understood the theory well, make sure you use this theory during your analysis.

    Miss C


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