Reflect and Perfect

2. How do the representations of sexualities reflect the historical, contemporary, social and cultural contexts?

The representations of sexualities reflects the historical, contemporary, social and cultural contexts because in the 1960s homosexuality was a crime. In research it showed 93% of respondents saw sexuality as a mental illness. In 'The Avengers' we see Emma Peel and John Steed's romantic and sexual tension. Emma Peel's costume is a dark leather suit, which connotes a more sexual figure. Peel's costume links to female liberation as the 1960s was a time when contraception was made so women could become more sexual and not worry about having a kid. Steed and Peel represent heterosexuality in the show by having a flirty relationship. This allows the show to be accepted by everyone because heterosexuality represents most people.

All sexualities in 'Cuffs' are accepted and represented as completely normal. For example, when Jake tells Ryan he's gay, Ryan doesn't hesitate. Jake challenges his 'gay stereotype' of being weak and feminine, by being tough, physical and confident. The inclusion of a gay lawyer challenges the stereotype, as being a lawyer is a very powerful role in today's society. Ryan is represented as a strong and heterosexual male police officer, which is a counter-type as men are stereotyped this way, yet it is a good thing.

3. How is feminism represented in 'The Avengers' and 'Cuffs'?

Feminism is represented through the equality of Steed and Peel. It reflects women protesting for equality in the 60s. Emma Peel where's a black, skin-tight leather suit throughout the show. The black colour represents dominant, and the highly sexualized clothing represents women's liberation in the 60s. However, the leather makes Peel seem as a sex object to male viewers who found her attractive. Emma is also very independently capable in fighting and this reflects women who protested so thay could be as strong as men.

Cuffs features many strong female characters within the police force including DS Jo Moffat. She is very skilled and tough, proving women can be just as good as men in higher scale jobs. Jo Moffat plays a key role in the arresting of the racist criminals. There is a negative representation of feminism in 'Cuffs', as a Polish character accuses Jake of sexually harassing her.

4. Compare the white representation in 'The Avengers' to the multi-cultural society in 'Cuffs'?

'The Avengers' only includes an all-white cast throughout the whole episode. Other ethnicities would've been rejected by audiences in the 60s. Steed and Peel's white culture alludes to those who fought for their country. This creates a stereotype of whites having power over ethnic minorities.

'Cuffs' includes and exploits the idea of the multi-cultural society that is Britain, which gives us an idea of the BBC's PSB. Ryan, one of the main characters in 'Cuffs', challenges his stereotype of being a criminal as he is black. The white, racist gang challenges their 'dominant' stereotype.

5a. What are the gender differences in the roles of Steed and Emma in 'The Avengers' compared to gender roles in 'Cuffs'?

As main characters, Steed and Peel are usually equal in terms of power. However, sometimes Steed overpowers Peel.This reflects women fighting for equal rights. In 'The Avengers', we only see male characters kill each other, representing men as more daring and brutal. This reflects


  1. Q2) 10/10
    Fantastic response with good use of media terminology.

    Q3) 11/15
    Make sure you specifically refer to moments from each episode, you allude to them and you need to provide more specific detail.

    Your second paragraph is a little rushed. You make excellent points, but you haven’t used the PEE structure to fully expand.

    Q4) 7/10
    Again, you are rushing your answers. You make brilliant points and refer to the question, but expand on your answers. Use the PEE structure to help you.

    Q5) 2/15
    This question is incomplete. I asked you to amend this over a week ago.

  2. Mock Exam: Reflect and Perfect
    Level 5 – Your target is a Level 7, so you are under target however you still improved from the first time you sat the exam, which shows how beneficial reflecting and perfecting your work can be!

    Also, you haven’t finished question 5, so you may have gotten more marks!

    On the whole, your answers were very strong, but read over my comments to help you further – make sure you revise from this blog throughout your course!

    Miss C.


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